
Fruitlands and Folly Cove and more New England landscape, streams and mountains and our coastline

Recently completed on location at a well known 
viewing spot on Prospect Hill
"Fruitlands" oils on canvas 18 x 24"
Just a scene that gives you a sensational appreciation 
for nature and for our world. That's what it is all about
can't help but paint it! Hope you can come see it in person 
at my gallery in Lancaster MA 

On Location here on Cape Ann Massachusetts is
"Folly Cove" oils on canvas 14 x 18
now exhibiting at the Rockport Art Assn.

Here are more landscape and colorful lake, streams and 
ocean New England oil paintings.



The Painting of A HOME

The Philbin Home, Lancaster MA
This painting is done on location by request 
of the owners. 34" x 18" oils on canvas.
Below I have demonstrated the stages of it.
Now taking orders for the spring of 2019!

Stage 1. and 2. 

Stage 3.

Top of course is Stage 4 of this project. It was a 
very rewarding project each step of the way.
Thanks for viewing. 
Call 508-284-0049 
if you are interested in this or any of my other 
original oil paintings. 

 Below other amazing home paintings with their own special character:

Victorian Home 
Paint your home like this one.!!!




Please go to Page 2 to see more flowery gardens in Colonial settings, Old Trucks, and more ... click on older posts right there



Worcester, Lincoln Square

From the city, the light from the sun near days end,
to the brush of the artist. This is one of those 
exciting paintings the drives you. It is Sold

Thanks Hartwell, Orr's Island and Baily Island

It was really great painting on the island recently, you folks love your land and generously gave of your time to tell us all about it! Thank you Here are a couple of paintings that are finished. I have one more of Land's End to post tomorrow. Thanks again Sharon Jordan Bahosh

On the Hartwell/Orr's Island Line

This view had me stopping in my tracks to get out and paint it. 
There were a few boats floating around beyond the view, I chose to 
capture the essence of the day and the bright light on the sand.
The giant fir trees at the salt water's edge intrigues me as well.
It is 14 x 18 " and for sale at  $700.00

This cove is located on Orr's Island Me

My friend Bob and I went out to paint first thing in the 
morning and we agreed this was a stunning view. So inspired 
by the light on the dark wet rocks where it had been high tide
but I think I got the best of it as the tide went out. 
It is 16 x 16 " oils on canvas and the price is $2000.00
You may reach me at sbahosh@hotmail.com Thank you


Heaven on Earth and Up Above


Marching Orders
watercolor, artist's collection

The Snow on Mount Monadnock
oils on canvas 16 x 20"

Artist Collection
original oil painting 32 x 46"
"Mary Never Reigns more Queenly 
than when She Loves Most Motherly"
From an excerpt from St. Faustina's Diary

Artist's Collection 
In the Presence of Splendor!

Worship was presented to Father Tom Tokarz
from the artist and members of the Rosary Soldality
as a moment from St. Joseph Church in Gardner MA

"Sunset Across the Miles"
oils on canvas
private collection

Merry Christmas 2016


Wilder Road Barn and more architectural paintings, Have your home painted!

"Wilder Road Barn" 
24 x 24"
oils on gallery wrapped canvas
is available for purchase

"Painted Lady"is 20 x 24" and was painted out of inspiration
initially and then I was invited to do a duet exhibit coincidentally
called "Painted Lady" a victorian exhibit in Connecticut last fall.
It is an example of how I may treat a commission
of your home should you decide to have a painting done.

Norma's home is located on Cape Ann in Rockport.
I was inspired by the charm and Americana and
set out to paint it, Norma saw what I was doing and
she bought it on the spot.

The Immaculate Conception Parish in Lancaster MA
I was commissioned or rather asked to donate a painting
of the church in celebration of the 100th anniversary
Sept 2015. The celebration of the year of it's conception
will be ending this Sept 2016.
 I chose to keep it timeless and many prints, notecards and
other commerative items were made for keepsakes for the parishioners.

This church is in Worcester MA
I am about to participate in an invitational exhibit at the
Prints and the Potter Gallery on Highland St in Worcester
opening Sept 23rd I believe. The exhibit is "Paint the Town"
and many artists are combing the city to find their inspiration, this
is one of three paintings I will be entering.


Johnny Appleseed Trail

This is Old Union Turnpike on the Lancaster Leominster Line
and I would guess that back before the highway Rt. 2 was 
built that this was the Johnny Appleseed trail running parallel with 
the aforementioned. At the top of this hill is Cove Farm and in
the foreground are pear trees and apples! Could have been that
Johnny Appleseed himself planted them! 
"Old Johnny Appleseed Trail" is oils on canvas
and is 20 x 18" Inquiries about this
or other painting can be addressed to me at 

Update: This painting is now on exhibit and for sale at the Boulder Gallery in Fitchburg MA


Yesterday's work on the Northshore and more

Yesterday's work on the Northshore is this painting "August Day at Bass Rocks" oils on canvas 16 x 20" painted on location, it shows the diversity of the rock formation as well as the variety of wave patterns as they roll in and meet the land going every which way. Loved doing this painting but felt a little light headed as the sun made it's appearance. I began the painting when you could barely see the horizon.

Below is another painting done in Rockport just last week.

Charmed by Ninety two High Street
12 x 16"
Norma saw me painting her house and she took a look. Long story, it's in her home
in California today. Thanks for the memories.


The Artists' Greats

Corresponding with the Paint out listed below I painted this painting the day before and just entered it into the "The Artists' Greats" Exhibition which opens September 3 to September 26. Please take some time to see it, I give you "MYSIS, Gloucester

Tues the 23rd of June a collaboration between the Northshore and Southshore has artists painting the towns of Rockport and Gloucester together. To find out where the artists are setting up for their masterpieces stop in at the Northhshore Art Assn., Pirates Ln Gloucester and watch while the paintings come to life! The fun begins at 11:00 am! You will see me among the artists. Thank you


Portraits from Life and more

"Randy" is a formal portrait done from life in about 3 sittings or more 
and about 10 hours or more in total.
There are three ways in which you may commission me to do a portrait for you. Below where I show you children are my commissioned portraits from pictures and I  explained some of my requirements in order to do one for you. 
On the other hand if you were to require one like "Randy" above of course with your formal attire if you like and a pose that is most appealing I will create a life size painting from head and shoulder to head to waist to head to toe, it's all up to you. But I will walk you through it and offer suggestions, even background which of course would be extra, each element adds to the final work and the final price. 

The third way for me to paint a portrait (below)  is the most fun, most spontaneous and most spirited.
It takes place at my studio or your home, office or if you like outside. It's a one time thing, Colorful, painterly allowing the viewer to mix the brush strokes and color patterns together to make a whole. A whole person, a day in the life if you please. Each an heirloom!

"Rachel" sat patiently and eagerly for her portrait
and couldn't wait for it to be finished.  Mothers know if their children are
up for this type of sitting. They have to be happy about it.
It will show if they're not. I don't mind a bit trying 
the painting of your child from life I can garner 
great details to complete it from a picture if necessary.
Give it a try, just email me and we'll work out the process
please use "portrait" in your story line Thanks the artist

And Some from pictures


Watermelon Farm

Watermelon Farm Sunflowers

A youthful couple own the farm at watermelon rock in Hubbardston, I had a wonderful time enjoying the day and the scenes at this family farm. oils on canvas 14 x 18"

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